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Museum LIVE | Science Now | Videos | For Educators | Ask a Naturalist
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Museum LIVE
Live, online experiences with the Museum.

Virtual Trivia Tuesday
Tuesdays at 6pm
Register for interactive Virtual Trivia Tuesdays! This is a great opportunity to virtually mingle with friends, compete for bragging rights and perhaps even learn something cool. Questions feature a mix of science facts, current news, pop culture and scientific discoveries.
Trivia Tuesdays on the Events calendar
Science Tonight: On-demand Playlist
Science Tonight is a livestream show for people who want to know more. Host Chris Smith talks with interesting people making exciting, everyday discoveries in science, nature, tech and more. Watch these (previously recorded) programs to grow your brain and get the latest stories in the science world.
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Science Now
DIY Activities, Virtual Tours and more, to do at your own pace.
Featured Activity: Invisible Ink (PDF)
During the American Revolution, Patriot spies needed a safe way to get vital information to General Washington. They would write messages in invisible ink, let the messages dry and then send the hidden messages to Washington with a courier. Create your own invisible messages in this fun activity, and learn more about the history of invisible ink in the United States!
More DIY Science Activities on Science Now
Drone Flies Through Two Whales! Museum One-shot Tour (YouTube)
Fly through the Museum in downtown Raleigh in this one-shot drone tour. Experience NCMNS like never before as you zoom through the world-class institution that brings research, events and educational programs to North Carolina and beyond. View the Museum’s whales, dinosaurs and SECU Daily Planet Theater from a whole new vantage point!
More Videos in the Video Library
For Educators
Online Workshops for Educators
Earn credit through free, online workshops that get you exploring nature in your own backyard. Each workshop contains videos, activities, and materials that you can step through at your own pace. Get ideas and resources to encourage your students to explore their nature neighborhoods!
More resources for educators teaching remotely
Got a Question? We Have Answers!
Ask a Naturalist
Ask a Naturalist Blog — From Black Widow Spiders to identifying a Buckeye, you’ll find answers to some of our most fascinating questions here!
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