It’s Time to Change: A Climate Action Plan

An earth in a clock face and a head shot of the speaker
  • Thursday April 22, 2021
  • 4:00 pm - 4:55 pm
  • Dr. Robert Pollock and Congressman David Price
  • Climate Reality
  • Audience: All Ages

Join us for a review of the scope and urgency of the climate crisis followed by descriptions of the major changes needed in our lifestyles and the global economy.

Curriculum Correlation: (2.G.2.2)(1.L.1.3)(4.L.1.3)(4.L.1.1)(5.P.3.1)(5.E.1.3)(5.L.2.3)(7.E.1.6)(7.E.1.1)(8.P.2.1)(8.P.2.2)(8.E.1.4)