Nose & mouth of black German Shepherd dog

Find out how your dog’s nose works at Museum’s first “Extreme Mammals” presentation

September 28, 2015

RALEIGH — We know that dogs have an incredible sense of smell and that they are used to detect everything from narcotics to explosives and even some cancers, but few of us know how they do this. Join NC State University professor Dr. David Dorman for “How Your Dog’s Nose Works,” a presentation at the… Read More >

Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman title screen

Frozen evil meets fiery hate in Museum’s First Friday feature film

September 24, 2015

RALEIGH — Prepare for the shock of your life: a film that will overwhelm you with horror twice as grim, a hundred times more terrifying, with two mighty monsters locked in mortal combat. You can be afraid, but don’t miss one of the great classic horror films of the 1940s, when the North Carolina Museum… Read More >

STEM Career Showcase organizer Liani Yirka and American Sign Language interpreter at the 2014 event

Museum hosts third annual STEM Career Showcase for Students with Disabilities

September 22, 2015

RALEIGH — The great jobs of tomorrow will be in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). People with disabilities are currently underrepresented in these fields despite recent advances in the accessibility of information technology and other tools used by working professionals. Register your student (by September 30) to attend the 3rd annual… Read More >

Calvin Bridges and his daughter Betsey in a scene from "The Fly Room"

Museum offers free screening of “The Fly Room,” birthplace of modern genetics

September 21, 2015

RALEIGH — It all began as a dingy closet-like space at Columbia University in the early 1900s. It was here that the basic laws that govern heritability and the passing of traits were discovered – work that would eventually win the lab a Nobel Prize in 1933 and formed the foundation of the genetic discoveries… Read More >

2014 BugFest Critter Cook-off

Media Advisory: BugFest Critter Cook-off: September 18, 11am

September 16, 2015

Chefs Sam Bradford of Plates Kitchen and Matt Lowery of Mura North Hills vie for the title of BugFest Critter Cook-off Champ 2015 RALEIGH — The BugFest Critter Cook-off, the official start to BugFest, will be held on Friday, September 18 at 11 a.m. in the main building of the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences… Read More >