Classification and Common Ancestry

What exactly is common ancestry and Evolution? Who was Carl von Linne? What is the difference between classification and identification? What is a phylogeny and how is it important to the classification of organisms? To answer these questions, we will introduce the concept of biological classification and the importance evolution and common ancestry play in correct phylogeny. Participants will learn how to interpret a phylogenetic tree and learn the value and limitation of “keys” in organizing groups of objects while developing their own dichotomous key.
Program length is 45 minutes.

This virtual program is designed to connect your group with a Museum educator online for an interactive program. Whether your students are learning from home or in the classroom (or both), using videoconferencing platforms, students can participate to learn about our natural world.

Curriculum Correlation(s):   8.L.4, Bio.3.4, Bio.3.5

Scheduling Instructions: Virtual program scheduling is now closed for the 2023-2024 season.  Please check back in the summer for the 2024-2025 school year scheduling opening dates.

Scholarship Opportunities: Funding may be available to cover all or part of program fees for qualifying schools. Please indicate your interest in the Additional Information section of the Scheduling Request Form.