Q: What grade level camp should I sign my child up for?:
A: Grade levels stated in camp descriptions are for the upcoming school year (2025–2026). Please double-check to make sure that child(ren) are signed up for the appropriate grade level. We cannot make exceptions. Falsified registrations will be cancelled and the registration fee will be refunded minus the $45.00 processing fee.
Following Wake County kindergarten eligibility requirements, campers must be five years old on or by August 31, 2025, to be eligible for kindergarten camps. A copy of the birth certificate or its equivalent may be requested upon registration.
Q: Accessibility and inclusion:
A: The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences (NCMNS) welcomes all campers and strives to provide an equal experience to any child registered for our camps. If your child can benefit from any modification and/or support in order to fully enjoy their time at camp, please contact summercamps@naturalsciences.org.
Q: Camper conduct:
A: If a camper’s conduct poses physical harm or risk to self or others we may ask to meet with guardians or other caretakers to develop and implement strategies to help with success. After a reasonable amount of time and effort has been made, in the absence of improvement, the individual may be asked to forego the summer camp experience until alternative behaviors are learned.
Q: Camp ratio:
A: 16 campers per camp. Each session is led by a minimum of an instructor and assistant; other staff may join a session for specific activities or programs.
Q: When does registration begin?:
A: 2025 Summer Camps registration dates are as follows:
January 22-31: | Registration opens at 10:00am for Friends of the Museum Brimley, Explorers, Naturalist Society and Curator levels members. The registration link will be emailed the evening before your priority registration date. Registration temporary closes at 5:00pm on January 31 and reopens at 10:00am on February 4. |
February 4: | Registration opens to the public, including Family and Individual Plus level members, at 10:00am. A link to register will be added to the Summer Camps website. |
Registration is completed with our online system, Active Network. Registration is first come, first served. Camps traditionally fill quickly.
Each child can enroll in up to 2 weeks of day camp. The Museum will cancel any excess registration. A $45.00 processing fee per camp is required if the Museum cancels excess registration.
Q: Why is there a processing fee?:
A: Due to our online registration system, Active Network, there are costs involved in which we cannot offer a full refund. All cancellations, registration for more than two camps per child, or incorrect grade level registrations incur a $45.00 processing fee per camp. After camp care processing fee is $10.00.
Q: What information will I need to register?:
A: Please have the following ready:
- Friends of the Museum membership number or phone number. Required only if you are a Friends of the Museum member.
- Registration must be completed by a legal guardian. A guardian may reference the membership number of the grandparent’s Family level (or higher) membership.
- 2025 Summer Camps camp title and date of camp.
- Each child can enroll in up to 2 weeks of camp. The Museum will cancel any excess registration. A $45.00 processing fee per camp is required if the Museum cancels excess registration.
- The email address in which you would like to receive camp information.
- Child’s medical information.
- Street address, phone number and email address for guardian(s).
- Contact information for emergency contact and individuals who are authorized to pick-up the camper in case the guardian(s) is not available.
- MasterCard or VISA. To complete the registration process, your payment is due in full.
Q: Can I register more than one child at a time?:
A: Camp participants are registered for camp individually. Respective camp participants can register before finalization of payment is made on the Review Cart & Check Out page.
- On the Review Cart & Check Out page, click on the blue hyperlink “Add Another Registration,” located to the right of Order Details.
- You will be redirected to the Session Selection page, to select a camp session(s) for the next camp participant.
- After Step 3 Registration Form page has been completed, additional camp participants can be added by clicking on the “Add Another Registration” on the Review Cart & Check Out page.
- Completion of the Review Cart & Check Out page will finalize your payment and complete the registration process.**
**Note: Completing the entire registration process, including payment, will set up your Active Network account. If you decide to add additional camp participants, some of the information will be populated into your new registration form.
Q: When will my payment be due and what forms of payment do we accept?:
A: To complete registration, payment is either due in full or you can choose our 2-installment payment plan. Our online registration system will accept MasterCard and VISA.
If you choose the payment plan, 65% of the total cost of camp will be due at registration. The second payment will be due April 1st and will be automatically withdrawn using the same credit card.
Q: Is there a wait list for camps that have filled? How do I add my child’s name to the waiting list?:
A: Camps traditionally fill quickly. If a camp you are interested in is full, we encourage you to register for the camp’s waitlist using the blue “Registration” button link. A payment will not be required. If a spot becomes available, families will be contacted in sequential order from the wait list with the open camp spot being held for 48 hours. The spot may be accepted or turned down. Once an open spot has been accepted, the payment will be due to finalize registration for the camp.
Q: When will I receive confirmation?:
A: Your confirmation and receipt will be emailed to you upon completion of the online registration.
Q: Will I receive any additional information after completing registration?:
A: Yes. Additional information about the summer camp, arrival, departure and forms that may require your signature can be found in your Active Network account and will be included in the guardian packet emailed in June. Supplemental forms(s) will be due 2 weeks before the beginning of the camp.
Q: Can I receive a copy of the three forms that were listed and agreed to during the registration process?:
A: Yes, you can download them here:
Q: Camp location:
A: Directions to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Science .
Q: Arrival and departures:
A: For the safety of all children, if you would like to discuss a topic with Laura Dameron, Manager of Summer Camps, please make arrangements to chat outside of drop-off and pick-up times.
For safety, we ask that you do not get out of your car in the Loading Area.
Camps at NC Museum of Natural Sciences – campers should be dropped off or picked up at the Nature Research Center (NRC) Brick Alley Way behind the NRC between the Green Square Parking Deck and the Education Building. A map can be found in your Active Network account and will be emailed to you before the beginning of camp.
- Staff members will be waiting at the Loading Area during the following times: 8:45–9:00am and 4:00–4:15pm. If you arrive late to drop-off, contact 919.418.7602 for the Manager of Summer Camps. Guardians are responsible for accompanying their child(ren) to their classroom.
If you would like to park and walk your child to drop-off/pick-up, know that finding parking can be difficult. Limited metered parking and two-hour parking may be found on Jones and Edenton Streets. Visitor Lot #1, 198 E. Jones Street ($2.00/hour) is one block east of the Bicentennial Plaza. Green Square Parking Deck, 120 W. Edenton Street, is at the corner of Edenton and McDowell Streets, behind the Nature Research Center.
***Note – You will be emailed a Pick-Up Pass for your dashboard. Campers will be release to their guardian or previously authorized individual with accompanying photo ID. If you do not see camp staff waiting at the curb, please circle the block or traffic circle to keep traffic flowing smoothly. You may receive a ticket from Capital Police if you remain in areas not designated for parking.
Q: After camp care:
A: After camp care will be offered from 4:00pm-5:00pm Monday – Friday, for $75.00, with limited spots available. Prior registration is required. Campers will play games, make crafts and will need to bring a 2nd snack. Guardians or previously authorized individuals can pick up their camper at the NRC Brick Alley Way. A map can be found in your Active Network account and will be emailed to you before the beginning of camp. Refund processing fee is $10.00.
Q: Early departures:
A: Early departures must be scheduled prior to the pickup date. Contact Laura Dameron at 919.418.7602 or 919.707.9910. You can schedule an early pick-up up to 1 hour before camp ends. Guardians or authorized persons will meet at a prearranged meeting place, such as the classroom or another location on the grounds. Please have your photo ID available to show staff.
Q: Late fees:
A: NCMNS employs the very best staff possible in our programs. After camp hours, staff have other personal and professional obligations. In order to accommodate any overtime that occur for late pick-up, a late fee of $35.00 per day will be implemented if you are more than 10 minutes late picking up your child. The late fee must be paid in full before the beginning of the next day of camp for your child to attend.
Q: Will camps leave their classrooms?:
A: Yes. All camps will periodically explore indoor and outdoor areas outside of their classroom. Museum staff will accompany each camp to assist in crossing busy streets or provide extra support. Camps located in downtown Raleigh may go outdoors to play games on Halifax Lawn or walk around the Capital grounds.
Q: Lunch and snack:
A: Campers will need to bring a bag lunch and small snack daily labeled with their name. If your child is in after camp care, please bring a bag lunch and 2 snacks. Campers will not have access to a refrigerator, microwave or have time to purchase lunch from a café.
Q: Why are NCMNS Summer Camps nut-free?:
A: In 2010, in response to the growing number of severe nut allergies, and for the safety of all children who attend our camps, the Summer Camp program at NCMNS request guardians not send food containing nuts, including tree nuts. For more information, please review our Summer Camp Nut-free Guidelines pdf. Thank you for your consideration and support in keeping children with food allergies safe.