Adult Nights: Superhero Science

Explore the science of superheroes at Museum’s 21+ event, June 22

June 8, 2017

RALEIGH, N.C. — Can humans use echolocation, develop immunity to electricity, or resist being burned by boiling water? Learn what makes real-life superheroes tick and how science is uncovering the secrets behind their superpowers when the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences hosts “Adult Night: Superhero Science” on Thursday, June 22, 7–10 p.m. Plus, create… Read More >

International SUNday

See the Sun in a new light at Museum’s International SUNday event, June 18

RALEIGH, N.C. — Learn more about our amazing star, the Sun, when the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences hosts International SUNday on Sunday, June 18, 12:30 to 4 p.m. Safely view the Sun through solar telescopes, hear about unusual space weather and current solar research, and learn about the total solar eclipse happening in… Read More >

The Rhythm of Race

Museum’s “Rhythm of Race” celebrates music, dance and spoken word, June 10

May 24, 2017

RALEIGH, N.C. — Discover how artistic expression can build bridges between people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds when the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences hosts “Rhythm of Race: A Celebration of Music, Dance and Spoken Word,” Saturday, June 10, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. This free, special event provides the community with a… Read More >

Water Lily by Linda Jones.

“North Carolina’s Natural Beauty” featured at Nature Art Gallery June-July

May 22, 2017

RALEIGH, N.C. — The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences’ Nature Art Gallery presents “North Carolina’s Natural Beauty,” a selection of photography-inspired works in colored pencil by North Carolina native Linda Jones. The show runs June 2 through July 31. A Gallery reception honoring the artist will be held Saturday, June 3 from 2 to… Read More >

Head and mouthparts of a 2nd instar larva.

Research Yields New Details About Trap-jaw Ants

May 8, 2017

Trap-jaw ants, with their spring-loaded jaws and powerful stings, are among the fiercest insect predators, but they begin their lives as spiny, hairy, fleshy blobs hanging from the ceiling and walls of an underground nest. New research provides the first detailed descriptions of the larval developmental stages of three species of Odontomachus trap-jaw ants. This… Read More >