Lesser Hedgehog Tenrec

Tenrecs in torpor

January 27, 2021

Shorter days and cooler weather can bring about lots of behavioral changes in different animals. Some migrate to warmer climates, while others gather and store food for the winter season. For the Museum’s Lesser Hedgehog Tenrecs (Echinops telfairi), it means settling into torpor, a period of inactivity when an animal’s body temperature, heart rate and… Read More >

Rachel inside the IRTF telescope dome.

Museum astronomer Rachel Smith interviewed about young stellar objects on Spacepod podcast

January 25, 2021

“Dr. Rachel Smith tells us about her research into young stellar objects. These new stars are surrounded by a cloud of dust that may eventually become planets. Dr. Smith also explains why she thinks it is important to physically travel to telescopes when she makes her observations.” Spacepod was created by planetary scientist Dr. Carrie… Read More >

Atlantic Sturgeon held by Aaron Bunch

Gut Check Time: New technology used to study endangered Atlantic sturgeon

January 22, 2021

Atlantic sturgeon. Illustration: Duane Raver. Fossil evidence shows that sturgeon have been around for nearly 175 million years, and likely thrived as marine neighbors of the dinosaurs. It’s no wonder then that they look prehistoric, with five rows of daunting diamond-shaped plates running the length of their bodies. In more recent history, however, sturgeon have… Read More >

Lindsay Zanno in the field.

Head of Paleontology Lindsay Zanno interviewed by Podcast Raleigh

January 20, 2021

Dr. Lindsay Zanno is the Head of Paleontology at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and an associate research professor in biological sciences at N.C. State University. Podcast Raleigh spoke with her about “her career, the [Dueling Dinosaurs] exhibit, naming dinosaurs and life at a dig site,” among other things. Dr. Lindsay Zanno, Head… Read More >

Eric Dorfman

Museum Director Eric Dorfman featured on VisitRaleigh’s Tourism Talk blog

January 19, 2021

Eric Dorfman, PhD, Director and CEO of the NC Museum of Natural Sciences, was recently interviewed for VisitRaleigh.com’s Tourism Talk blog. He talks about his background, why he opted for the directorship of NCMNS over the Carnegie Museum, and what the future holds for the Museum — Raleigh’s number one attraction*. Meet Eric Dorfman, Ph.D.,… Read More >