Bob Alderink poses with his dog and a tree with bright rings.

Science at Home! Tree Rings

May 14, 2020

Are you looking for something to do to keep your brain active and engaged? We’re here to help with Science at Home! This week, the Museum’s own Bob Alderink walks us through the fascinating details we can learn by studying a tree’s growth rings. You can always visit the Museum’s Science at Home page for… Read More >

A box turtle crawls around in the grass.

Nature Now! Thinking Outside the Box Turtle

May 13, 2020

It was a nice April afternoon to be outside exploring the woods behind my house. I was enjoying some wildflowers when my eye caught the pattern of something partially hidden by leaves and fallen tree branches — a box turtle! I’m always happy to see my first box turtle of the year! The Eastern Box… Read More >

Pink lady's slippers sit above the forest floor.

Nature Now! Dance of the Pink Lady’s Slippers

May 6, 2020

I met my first pink lady’s slipper in the spring of 1977 in eastern North Carolina. For most of my youth, I didn’t give plants a second look. They were in the background of the forests and swamps that I searched for my favorite critters—reptiles and amphibians. I was a college student on this sunny… Read More >

A mayapple blossom.

Nature Now! March of the Mayapples

April 30, 2020

March is the month when I first see mayapples emerge from the forest floor behind my home in Johnston County. For me, they show up right after the peak of the early spring spawning of Least Brook Lamprey in my little stream. (That’s another story!) Their emergence is quite magical as little green knobs start… Read More >

Science At Home! Make an Ice Necklace

April 26, 2020

Looking for something to do to keep your brain active and engaged? We’re here to help with Science at Home! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be providing you with fun science experiments you can conduct using commonly found items. You can also visit us at the Museum’s Science at Home page for additional resources!… Read More >