Very Special(ist) Bees and the Flowers They Love

- Wednesday September 15, 2021
- 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- Dr. Nancy Lee Adamson Ecologist
- Wild Bee Plantings
- Audience: Teenagers and Adults
- Curriculum Correlation: (1.L.1.1)(1.L.1.2)(1.L.1.3)(EX.3.L.2.1)(3.L.2.1)(4.L.1.2)(4.L.1.3)(EX.4.L.1.1)(EX.4.L.1.3)(5.L.2.3)(6.L.1.1)(EX.6.L.1.1)(EX.7.L.1.1)(EX.7.L.1.2)(EX.7.L.1.3)(8.L.3.2)
Learn about specialist bees and how you can help them! Many bees are pollen specialists, collecting pollen from a single plant species, genus, or family. Though they may collect nectar from various plants, you can help ensure they have their pollen needs met by planting their host plants or documenting their visits!