Getting to Know the Bees in Your Backyard

- Tuesday September 14, 2021
- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Joseph S. Wilson, PhD
- Utah State University
- Audience: Family
- Curriculum Correlation: (1.L.1.1)(1.L.1.2)(1.L.1.3)(2.L.1.1)(2.L.1.2)(SL.3.1)(3.L.2.1)(4.L.1.1)(4.L.1.3)(EX.4.L.1.3)(EX.4.L.1.4)(5.L.2.3)(6.L.1.1)(EX.6.L.1.1)(EX.7.L.1.1)(EX.7.L.1.2)(EX.7.L.1.3)(8.L.3.2)
There are nearly 4,000 different kinds of bees living in North America, yet most people are only familiar with one or two (often honey bees and bumble bees). This presentation will introduce you to the diverse world of native bees and describe how these bees might be different from what you expect.