Bee Foes: Predators and Parasites of Bees

- Wednesday September 15, 2021
- 10:00 am - 11:00 am
- Dr. Matt Bertone
- NC State University
- Audience: All Ages
- Curriculum Correlation: (1.L.1.3)(2.L.1.1)(4.L.1.1)(4.L.1.2)(EX.4.L.1.1)(EX.4.L.1.3)(EX.4.L.1.4)(5.L.2.3)(EX.7.L.1.1)(EX.7.L.1.2)(EX.7.L.1.3)(8.L.1.1)(8.L.3.2)(8.L.3.2)
Although most bees can sting and appear to be well defended, they still have many foes. In this presentation, Dr. Matt Bertone will discuss the many enemies bees have, from predators to arthropod parasites and parasitoids.