Darwin Day

Saturday, November 12, 2022


The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences strives to provide a fun and friendly educational environment for all people. Our goal is to make our events as accessible as possible, so that the greatest number of guests can take advantage of everything we have to offer.

*Para leer esta información en español, haga clic aquí.*

Venue: North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences

The festival will include both indoor and outdoor activities. Indoor activities will be located in the Nature Exploration Center (NEC) and Nature Research Center (NRC). Outdoor activities are limited and will be located on Bicentennial Plaza.

Wheelchair Rentals

Courtesy manual wheelchair rentals will be available at the front desks of each building.  There is a limited supply of chairs.

Sighted Guides

  • We will have trained volunteers to assist visitors (2 hours maximum). Visitors will need to preregister for sighted guides.
  • Please register for a sighted guide by calling Kari Wouk at 919.707.9879 or emailing her at kari.wouk@naturalsciences.org. Please provide your first and last name and the time period for which you will need a sighted guide.

ASL Interpreter

You may request an ASL interpreter for certain exhibits and presentations by calling Miranda Dowdy at 919.707.9885 or emailing her at  miranda.dowdy@naturalsciences.org at least two weeks before the event.

Accessible Restrooms




There are accessible restrooms located throughout the Nature Exploration Center (NEC) and the Nature Research Center (NRC).

Toilet icon

Single-User Restrooms are available for use on the 1st floor of the NRC, and the 3rd floor of the NEC. Please ask the information desk for a key to unlock these rooms prior to use.

Nursing Room Symbol



There is a nursing room located on the 1st floor of the NEC, behind the Coastal Hall. There is also an Adult-Size Changing Tables located in this space.

Quiet Space

Quiet Room Symbol



There is a quiet space available on the 3rd floor of the NEC. This room is intended to provide a quiet and calm environment where festival attendees can spend time away from the busyness and noise of the event.

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) for certain events and presentations are available upon request on a first-come first-served basis.  To reserve a device, please register by calling Miranda Dowdy at 919.707.9885 or emailing her at miranda.dowdy@naturalsciences.org. Please provide your first and last name and the time period for which you will need an ALD.  Numbers are limited so reserve ALDs as early as possible.

Help us Improve Event Accessibility and Inclusion!

We want you to help us ensure that you have the best experience possible at our event. If you have any additional questions, suggestions, or concerns, please contact the Museum’s Coordinator of Public Science Events, Miranda Dowdy, at miranda.dowdy@naturalsciences.org.