North Carolina elementary schools that are designated as Title I are invited to apply to bring their 5th grade classes to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in downtown Raleigh to tour The Secret World Inside You, a featured exhibition coming to the Museum in the fall of 2016. This opportunity is being made possible through Google’s Field Trip Days program, which will fund field trips for up to 30 North Carolina 5th grade classes.
What’s included in the Google Field Trip Day experience at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences:
- Pre-visit teacher workshop (see details below)
- Admission to the Museum’s Featured Exhibition The Secret World Inside You, for up to 30 students and three chaperones per class
- Admission to 3D movie for up to 30 students and three chaperones per class
- Behind-the-scenes tour of the Genomics and Microbiology Research Lab
- Box lunches for each class of up to 30 students and 3 chaperones
- Optional self-guided tour of the Museum’s 7 floors of exhibits
- Transportation stipends to help pay for buses
- Post-visit eLearning program
Participation Requirements
To be eligible to apply for the NC Museum of Natural Sciences’ Google Field Trip Day experience, schools must meet the following requirements:
- Be designated as a Title I school
- Have the support of the principal
- Commit to sending at least half of their 5th grade teachers to the 1-day, pre-visit teacher workshop in August 2016
- Be able to come to the Museum for their Field Trip Day during October 24-November 10, 2016.
- Commit to submitting a completed post-visit evaluation form
Teacher Workshop Details
Schools that are selected to participate in the NC Museum of Natural Sciences’ Google Field Trip Days program must send at least half of their 5th grade teachers to the pre-visit teacher workshop in August (date TBD). Participating teachers will receive:
- Mileage stipend for travel outside of a 30 mile radius from the Museum
- Complimentary parking and lunch
- Training on how to implement curriculum-correlated, hands-on pre- and post-visit classroom activities
- Activity materials
- Guided tour of the Museum
Application deadline is April 27, 2016. Selected schools will be notified by May 6, 2016.