Weird Science: Is quicksand something to worry about when exploring eastern North Carolina?
For immediate release ‐ July 24, 2024
Contact: Jon Pishney, 919.244.7913. Images available upon request
Photo: Brendan Landis, CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr.
By Annette Weston, Public Radio East
“It was a staple of many B movies, cartoons, and TV shows in the 60s and 70s; now quicksand appears more often in memes by the 50-something crowd on social media.
“PRE’s Annette Weston set out to discover whether quicksand is something to be worried about in eastern North Carolina or GenX was set up to believe it would be a much bigger deal in adulthood than it is in reality.
“Naturalist Jerry Reynolds is the Head of Outreach for the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences. Although he has spent thousands of hours trekking through the wilds of North Carolina over many years, [he] said he’s never encountered quicksand.”
Read/listen to the full article on Public Radio East
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