Insect Flight video

New Video: Insects in Flight

December 30, 2020

11 incredible species in SLOW MOTION   Dr. Adrian Smith, Head of the Museum’s Evolutionary Biology & Behavior Research Lab, has posted a new video showing insect flight close up and in slow motion in 11 species, from the Acorn Weevil to the Spined Assassin Bug. Dr. Smith says, “Takeoff and flight sequences of insects spanning… Read More >

Stocking-shaped leaflets. Photo: Jerry Reynolds.

Nature Now! Christmas Fern

December 18, 2020

Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides) is a wonderful fern to enjoy during the Christmas holiday season. It is a common fern found in much of eastern North America. It loves the moist shaded slopes of woodlands, particularly along streams. It is one of our few evergreen ferns, making it easy to find and identify in the… Read More >

Holly with berries

A Christmas Herbarium: The Nature and Culture of Our Favorite Holiday Plants

The Festive season is upon us. Many of us are busy hanging wreathes, decorating trees, and putting up mistletoe in doorways for that holiday smooch. If it’s Christmas you celebrate, most of our traditions go far further back than inflatable characters out of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer on the front lawn. And one thing that… Read More >

Illustration of technician at computer

Collections research at NCMNS and Beyond

December 17, 2020

Visiting the public exhibits of NCMNS opens one’s eyes to thousands of natural history specimens—from butterfly chrysalises to a full blue whale skeleton. But did you know there are just as many specimens that go unseen to the public? Unknown to most is that there are many more in an unimposing tan building on the… Read More >

Two-lined Salamander (Eurycea wilderae). Photo from Pisgah National Forest submitted to Ask a Naturalist by Ralph Cooper.

Ask a Naturalist: Salamanders

In 2016, Raleigh hosted a week-long conference devoted to wildlife research, management, and conservation. During a break, I went for a walk in the woods with a few friends including a visiting scientist from Australia. As we walked, we paused to look under rocks and rotten logs for salamanders. After a few tries, we found… Read More >