Do gremlins exist? Are there really 40-foot-long anacondas? Did old sci-fi movies get anything right about the 21st century? “Museum Movie Nights: Where Science Meets the Cinema” explores the often wacky intersection between science fact and Hollywood fiction!

A/V Geeks’ Skip Elsheimer provides a fun night of trivia and tongue-in-cheek commentary on movies and films from his vault of 24,000 films. Movies are complemented by experts and hands-on science stations related to each night’s theme.

Food, drinks (including NC beer and wine) and popcorn will be available to buy before the show. Doors open at 5:30pm with food, drink and science stations available. Movie and presentations start at 7pm.

Museum Movie Nights programs are recommended for ages 12 and up (some movies are rated R).

Admission:$5/$3 for Museum members (at checkout)


¿Existen los gremlins? ¿Hay realmente anacondas de 40 pies de largo? ¿Las películas antiguas de ciencia ficción acertaron en algo sobre el siglo 21? “Museum Movie Nights: Where Science Meets the Cinema” explora la intersección, a menudo loca, entre la ciencia y la ficción de Hollywood.

Skip Elsheimer de A/V Geeks ofrece una noche divertida de trivial y comentarios irónicos sobre cortos y películas de su colección de 24,000 películas. Las películas proyectadas se complementan con una sesión de Preguntas y Respuestas con expertos relacionados con el tema de la película, así como mesas con experimentos científicos y actividades para toda la famila antes del comienzo de la misma.

Comida, bebidas (incluyendo cerveza y vino NC) y palomitas de maíz estarán disponibles para su compra antes del comienzo de la película. Las puertas del museo abren a las 5:30 pm para disfrutar de las estaciones científicas, actividades, música en vivo, comida y bebida. La película y las presentaciones comienzan a las 7pm.

Los programas de Museum Movie Nights se recomiendan para mayores de 12 años (algunas películas tienen una clasificación R).

Precio $ 5 / $ 3 para miembros del Museo

NOTA: Este evento es completamente en inglés

Upcoming Museum Movie Nights 2025 –  Próximas películas para el 2025

March 7th: Spaceballs (1987)

Movie poster of "Spaceballs" with characters looking toward the upper right of the image. A spaceship is flying in the background.

June 13th: Shrek (2001)

Movie poster for "Shrek" features characters sitting in front of a giant green "S". The background is a blue sky with white clouds.

August 15th: The Mummy (1999)

Movie poster for "The Mummy" 1999 film. Actors are featured in the foreground with dramatic Egyptian scenes in the background.

November 7th: The Princess Bride

Movie poster for "The Princess Bride" Two figures are sitting in the center of the poster. They are silhouetted in front of a fairytale mountain scene.

Past Movies

February 2017: The Incredible Journey
March 2017: Gamera (1965)
April 2017: Westworld (1973)
May 2017: Jurassic Park
June 2017: X-Men
July 2017: Ladyhawke
August 2017: Jaws
September 2017: Twister
October 2017: Ghostbusters
November 2017: The Goonies
December 2017: Big Hero 6
January 2018: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
March 2018: Young Frankenstein
April 2018: Tremors
May 2018: Blade Runner (1982)
June 2018: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
July 2018: The Fifth Element
August 2018: Total Recall
September 2018: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
November 2018: The Nightmare Before Christmas
December 2018: Wall-E
January 2019: Mars Attacks!
March 2019: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
April 2019: Big Trouble in Little China
May 2019: The Little Mermaid (Sing-a-long)
June 2019: Jumanji (1995)
July 2019: Despicable Me
August 2019: Raiders of the Lost Ark
September 2019: Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
November 2019: Gremlins
December 2019: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer´s Stone
January 2020: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
February 2020: The Shawshank Redemption
April 2022: The Matrix
May 2022: Soylent Green
August 2022: Jurassic Park II: The Lost World
October 2022: Beetlejuice
December 2022: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
March 2023: Encanto
May 2023: Batman (1966)
July 2023: Men in Black