Laura White is well-known in the North Carolina environmental education community and served as the Stevens Nature Center at Hemlock Bluffs Nature Preserve supervisor for 22 years. She has taught and mentored hundreds of students and environmental educators and continues to support young people in the field today. But her career didn’t end when she retired from the Town of Cary–Laura has continued to teach others about our wonderful environment by serving as a seasonal park ranger at National Parks. Laura will share some of her adventures and her photography. This will be a great talk for those who are just starting out in the field as well as providing some insights on planning “encore” career opportunities.
Join us in the SECU Daily Planet Theater or watch the livestream on YouTube!
Live Virtual Presentation hosted by NC Museum of Natural Sciences’ SECU Daily Planet Curator Chris Smith and the NC Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs staff.
You can post questions in the YouTube chat or tweet questions to #LunchTimeDiscovery and mention @NorthCarolinaEE.
Brought to you by the NC DEQ Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs and the NC Museum of Natural Sciences.