The Roanoke Cooperative Sustainable Forestry and Land Retention Project works to restore and conserve threatened forest land by increasing the forest owners’ income and the value of the land. Join program director Alton Perry to learn more about this unique program that began as a partnership between the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the U.S. Forest Service and has since grown to include other state and federal agencies, the forest industry, academic institutions, and forestry and conservation organizations. Alton will discuss how the program started in seven counties that make up Roanoke Cooperative’s service area and is expanding in the region, and possibly the state.
Join us in the SECU Daily Planet Theater or watch the livestream on YouTube Live.
Our Guest
Alton Perry, Program Director, Sustainable Forestry and Land Retention Project
Live Presentation hosted by NC Museum of Natural Sciences’ SECU Daily Planet Curator Chris Smith and the NC Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs staff.
Brought to you by the NC DEQ Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs and the NC Museum of Natural Sciences.