Chris Fischer, OCEARCH Founder and Expedition Leader
OCEARCH recently embarked on Expedition Northbound, its 45th ocean research expedition to learn more about Western North Atlantic white sharks as they begin to leave the Carolinas region and transition north for the summer. Data shows that prior to their spring migration north, many white sharks use the productive continental shelf waters around the Outer Banks, North Carolina region as an overwintering and spring staging area before heading north for the summer.
Prior to this expedition, OCEARCH’s dedicated and collaborative team successfully tagged 88 white sharks throughout the western North Atlantic, collecting data for over 24 science projects that enabled them to put together the pieces of the life history puzzle of the white shark in the region. Join Chris Fischer as he discusses Expedition Northbound and the Western North Atlantic white shark.
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Live Virtual Presentation hosted by NC Museum of Natural Sciences’ SECU Daily Planet Curator Chris Smith and the NC Department of Environmental Quality Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs staff.
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Brought to you by the NC DEQ Office of Environmental Education and Public Affairs and the NC Museum of Natural Sciences.