example of custom license plate

You can reserve your North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences license plate by April 18!

Each standard NCMNS plate costs $30, with $20 directly benefiting the museum. If you’d like a personalized plate (selecting your own letters and numbers in addition to the artwork), the cost is $60.

How to Order

Complete the form and mail it to Kayla Gurley at Friends of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, ATTN: Kayla Gurley, P.O. Box 26928, Raleigh, NC 27611.

Checks should be payable to Friends of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, and applications must be postmarked by April 18 to be included.

  • For a standard plate, enter $30 on the application. You will be assigned a plate number based on the order of your application. (Example: 0055, 0062, 0088, 0100, etc.)
  • For a personalized plate, enter the additional $30 and adjust the total to $60.
  • If personalizing, provide two plate options in case your first choice is unavailable. Personalized requests can be 4 letters but CANNOT be 4 numbers. There must be at least 1 letter.
  • Please note that personalized requests are processed in the order they are received. If both options are unavailable, the DMV will reach out to you to choose another option.

Applications will be submitted to the DMV for processing after the April 18 deadline. Please allow 4-6 months for your new plate to arrive. Refunds cannot be issued.


excerpt from a pdf form

Need a printed application?

You may also pick up a paper application and instructions onsite at the museum Box Office, front desk, or museum stores.

For questions, contact Kayla Gurley at kayla.gurley@naturalsciences.org or 919.707.9861.